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Monday, 6 December 2010

Interview with Hannah

I interviewed Hannah about her blog with Suzi boys, boys, BOYS! It's a great blog, really funny- described as A guide book to boys. Amusingly coloquial.  It has 15 votes for "I loveee it!" on her blog! Which is definitely a lot for a blog that's only been around for a month! I'm sure some of YOU have read or at least SEEN her blog. It's funny, interesting and clever ;) taken from girls with experience.
Gaby: RED
Hannah: BLACK

Hi Hannah!

bonjour mon amie

hi, what's this cool blog I've heard of?

Gaby, you follow it..?

this is for the readers :)...tell me a bit about your blog

oh right!
It's a blog about boys, I guess. That is pretty self-explantatory..

I've been hearing a lot of great feedback about it! It's one of those information filled, exciting, and funny blog posts, where do you come up with the ideas?

one word. Experience.
let me tell you a bit about myself
I've fallen 12 times for the male species.
I have learned a bit each time and now I put my knowledge into practise so young girls wont make the same mistakes I did.

that's really nice of you <3 so what's coming up soon? a sneak-peak of your future posts? to get the reader wanting more?

I have to tell you, I don't even know! I make it up on the spot.

Thanks so much for your time Hannah!
I'm sure the readers will be looking up hannah's blog soon :) bye!


So check out Hannah and Suzi's blog here. I guarantee at least three smiles throughout reading any post :) 
thanks, so much- especially to Hannah for taking up her time to give me this interview :D

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