You are
-tired all the time
-your moods change for no reason
-you cant concentrate
-you cry over almost everything
-you can't sleep properly
-you get loads of headaches
-you're unenthusiastic
-you are hungry a lot
-you can get an olsar in your mouth
-you can even get spots!!!
So make sure you can take the time, after your strenuous hours of revision to chill in a hot bath, fill with luxurious scents of bath bombs and that posh shampoo your friend got you for your birthday. I know it sounds weird, it's not just an excuse for time off! Do you WANT to be a freak- with mood swings and hungry a lot, and spotty? oh...I guess that's what a teenager is all about..but would you like to make it worse? NO! NO is the answer. unless you said yes which is reallly weird....So don't just work- remember some people still call you a child- so act like one, (no! as in have some relaxing time, and fun once in a while) otherwise you'll be a boring old adult with good exam results and who doesn't have a life (im not suggesting you'll be boring or NOT studying is good OK?) THIS IS NOT A CARD TO GET OFF STUDYING! You must study or you'll be a fail in life- and you DONT want to fail an exam!!!! So...rather than me stressing you out right now- just go take a bath, or have a face mask, or meditate or read or whatever! Go relax- then come back and do some more work.
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